Creating one-of-a-kind experiences that get remembered.

Our Expertise

We design unique events for you and your team to successfully achieve your goals. We plan the WOW factor for all of your personalized meetings, one-of-a-kind experiences, and the world-class incentive programs that your organization deserves. Our event experts have the tools, talent, and technology to take your event wherever you want it to go!

Why Choose






How It Works

You dream
We execute
They experience
Everyone succeeds
Plan with our experts
To us, Global...

Truly Does Mean


Client Testimonials

Their experience says it all
I cannot speak highly enough of the Rx staff that supported our meeting. I know I speak for all the attendees (I know, because they've all told me) that this was bar-none the best run event they had ever attended and that is almost entirely due to the competency of your team


Project Manager

I cannot speak highly enough of the Rx staff that supported our meeting. I know I speak for all the attendees (I know, because they've all told me) that this was bar-none the best run event they had ever attended and that is almost entirely due to the competency of your team


Project Manager

Staff support is rated “Excellent” by 100% of the attendees! Other than the survey I can say that I’ve only heard compliments on the organization and logistics of everything. I want to thank you all once again for pulling off such a successful meeting and hopefully you’ll support me in all meetings next year once again!


LATAM Marketing Analyst

We refer to our work with Infinix Global Meetings & Events as a partnership because they are so much more than an agency to us. From meeting support to high level strategic meeting management design, it's unique to have actual partners for each experience - a team that cares as much about all aspects of the event and strategy as much as we do. Our work with the team is an invaluable asset no just to our team, but to the entire organization.

SMM Client

Confidential Company

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