8 Travel Tips to Stay Safe, Healthy and Productive

The world of travel tips is filled with admonishments to go off the beaten path and embrace standby to have a serendipitous adventure, free from every care in the world. Business travelers know that is a bunch of bunk. Efficiency and security are the two pillars of the hotel-hopper interested in safe travel and career advancement.Traveling for meetings, conventions and events is a modern fact of life for many in the business world. And the medical/pharmaceutical industry is notorious for holding meetings all across the United States and the world. So the average doctor, pharmaceutical sales rep and hospital administrator needs to be on their travel game.With all this travel to locales exotic and domestic, it make sense to prepare as much as possible. You want to make your convention attendance as productive as possible. So these eight travel tips will bring your experience up to a level that most convention goers and meeting hounds have never reached.
Pack Light
The goal is one bag. But if that is impossible, keep at a bag and a small carry-on at most. All the airlines are charging an obscene amount for extra checked bags these days. Plus, if you can fit all your items into a reasonable rolling bag, you can secure it in the overhead bin and waste exactly zero precious minutes at baggage claim. It goes without saying that you also avoid any risk of losing your bag to netherworld of lost airport bags. Roll everything tight, be judicious with your toiletries and cut down on the colors to make room in that carry-on.

Join TSA Pre✓
Get in the fast lane at security. You can apply for the TSA’s prescreened program at nearly 300 enrollment sites around the country. Once you get approved into the program, you get your own traveler number, which allows you access to the pre-screened line in security, which can get you to your gate much faster. These dedicated lines are in place at 118 airports around the U.S, making for extra safe travel. Plus, you can keep your shoes and your belt on, as well as keep that laptop in your carry-on bag.
Wear Comfortable Clothes
When you do get onboard the plane, make sure that you are wearing your most snug outfit and your sneakers. You can pack those dress shoes and still have the athletic footwear to hit the hotel gym early in the morning, before the meetings get into full swing.
Take Data Security Seriously
That goes without saying for your work laptop or mobile device, which most likely has customer information and/or access to sensitive medical records. But take care with your personal Internet use as well. Some of the keys to safe travel are: always use legit WiFi spots, change your passwords before and after your trip to guard against hacking and limit your online banking as much as possible.
Stay Hydrated and Healthy
There are ways to prevent that annoying cold that always seems to crop up after traveling. Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth while you are in-flight. Keep a bottle of hand sanitizer with you and use it liberally. If you do get a drink from the attendant, order it without ice. Plane water is not the cleanest. Buy a couple bottles of water in the terminal after security, so you can be sure to stay hydrated. And get up and walk around a bit, even if you don’t have to use the lavatory. Good circulation is important, especially at 35,000 feet.

Eat Healthy
The airport terminal and hotel restaurant options will have all sorts of tasty, fried options and burgery goodness. The trick is to indulge in that frippery as little as possible. Traveling does a number on your body and metabolism as it is. No need to punish your gut and your brain (which thrives on proper fuel) with fatty, greasy food. Feed your beast with fresh salads, lean protein and plenty of fruit. It is fine to grab a donut or a slice of cake here or there, but experienced travelers know that less is more when it comes to indulgence.
Bring All Your Own Airline Essentials
Rather than cough up $5 for communal earbuds or some other outrageous expense, make sure you have everything you need before you board. That means your own headphones, travel pillow, reading material and even food. Plenty of airlines are making passengers pay for even the simplest snacks, so pack your own noshes or even a sandwich to bring on with you. You will save money and save calories for splurging at your destination.
Join The Hotel Loyalty Program
Even if you are only in town for one night. Plenty of these programs offer extra amenities, like free internet. And it never hurts to rack up as many loyalty points as possible. Also, try to find a credit card that offers extra points for travel and lodging usage. Starwood and Marriott have popular programs that can offer some pretty sweet benefits the more you rack up points, from free stays to complimentary upgrades.Take these travel tips to heart and you will have professional life filled with safe travel and happy bosses. Because a content, secure and healthy employee on the road is way better than a burnt-out frequent flier with no life-work balance.
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